Do you encounter this bug where when you’re trying to edit a cell in a markdown table, and the cell height gets really large like this?
Continue reading Fixing the Annoying Table Cell Height Bug in ObsidianTalen coffee dripper, a handmade brewer crafted by an artisan in Thailand.
Earlier this year I had the chance to finally visit Thailand.
For coffee, I only managed to visit Factory Coffee and Talen Coffee. In this post I want to specifically share about my experience with Talen Coffee and the dripper they sell.
Talen coffee dripper from Thailand.
Continue reading Talen coffee dripper, a handmade brewer crafted by an artisan in Thailand.Do you have a Fujifilm camera with hybrid viewfinder (e.g. the X100 series) and cannot switch between OVF and EVF?
If you have a Fujifilm camera with hybrid viewfinder and cannot switch between optical/electronic viewfinder, take a look at your ELECTRONIC LEVEL SETTING
HyperChiller, alat untuk mendinginkan kopi dengan cepat.
Cuaca ketika siang hari bisa terasa sangat panas beberapa hari terakhir ini; karena itu saya mulai suka membuat es kopi lagi agar lebih segar ketika sedang gerah.
Biasanya, untuk membuat es kopi yang saya inginkan, saya harus menggunakan resep kopi yang berbeda dengan resep kopi panas yang biasa saya gunakan.
Continue reading HyperChiller, alat untuk mendinginkan kopi dengan cepat.How to fix “Publishing failed. Could not update post in the database” WordPress error.
I was recently writing the 2024 World Brewers Cup Championship blog post when I first encountered “Publishing failed. Could not update post in the database
” error when I tried to publish it.
I tried to look for solutions and the internet offered some possible fixes. For example, fixing REST API issues, etc. Apparently I had none of those issues.
After some frustrating troubleshooting, I found out that the root cause of my particular case was…
Continue reading How to fix “Publishing failed. Could not update post in the database” WordPress error.2024 World Brewers Cup Championship
Pertama-tama, selamat untuk Ryan Wibawa, sebagai perwakilan dari Indonesia yang berhasil meraih posisi juara 3 pada event 2024 World Brewers Cup Championship di Chicago.
Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin coba merangkum informasi mengenai biji kopi dan peralatan apa saja yang digunakan para juara tahun 2024 ini. Saya rasa kita bisa banyak belajar dari mereka 😀
Continue reading 2024 World Brewers Cup ChampionshipCara blokir SMS promosi atau marketing dari Indosat Ooredoo
Setelah lama tidak muncul, iklan promosi dari Indosat yang menggunakan flash SMS (sering disebut class 0 message) mulai sering muncul kembali.
Berikut adalah cara blokirnya:
Continue reading Cara blokir SMS promosi atau marketing dari Indosat OoredooMencetak foto di rumah menggunakan Canon Selphy CP1300
Saya hobi fotografi sejak SMA, mungkin karena pengaruh Papa saya yang hobi fotografi juga.
Ketika SMA, saya masih foto menggunakan film menggunakan kamera Nikon FM2n punya Papa. Namun sejak kuliah saya mulai menggunakan kamera digital (Sony F717).
Sejak era foto digital semakin populer, saya sudah hampir tidak pernah lagi mencetak foto-foto yang pernah saya ambil. Media sosial untuk sharing foto juga digunakan oleh hampir semua orang yang saya kenal, dan saya cenderung membagikan foto-foto saya di Instagram saja. Jika tidak melalui Instagram, paling saya sharing ke keluarga dan teman melalui WhatsApp atau Google Photos. Memang sangat nyaman dan mudah.
Namun baru-baru ini saya menonton video YouTube ini:
Saya setuju dengan fotografer/YouTuber tersebut, sudah banyak dari kita yang tidak lagi mencetak foto-foto yang kita ambil.
Continue reading Mencetak foto di rumah menggunakan Canon Selphy CP13003D printed v60 paper filter folding tool (negotiator) for Hario Mugen
Hario Mugen is a rib-less v60 coffee brewer. It has a relatively smooth wall to minimize water bypass. The idea is to create a one-pour coffee brewer.
I think it works great most of the time. Perfect when you just want to make a simple cup of coffee.
My issue with it is that sometimes placing the paper filter can be a little tricky. If you don’t place it right, the paper filter won’t adhere nicely to the wall.
Continue reading 3D printed v60 paper filter folding tool (negotiator) for Hario MugenMini review: Brewista Aroma Cup
I already have several cups and mugs for drinking coffee, but this aroma cup from Brewista is my new personal favorite for drinking coffee at home.
The requirements
I was looking for:
- A glass cup, because I enjoy seeing the coffee inside. It just looks nicer in my opinion, compared to porcelain or ceramic.
- A double-walled cup on the “bowl” section, and single-walled on the rim section. Double-wall that goes right to the rim is just too thick for me.
- Good capacity for my daily brew. This one is 300ml. More on this below.
- Designed for swirling the coffee. Not a hard requirement, but it’d be really nice to have.