I was recently writing the 2024 World Brewers Cup Championship blog post when I first encountered “Publishing failed. Could not update post in the database
” error when I tried to publish it.

I tried to look for solutions and the internet offered some possible fixes. For example, fixing REST API issues, etc. Apparently I had none of those issues.
After some frustrating troubleshooting, I found out that the root cause of my particular case was…
Emoji. Freakin’ emojis caused the error.

What happened was, when I draft blog posts on the web, I often copy and pasted emojis from chat apps like WhatsApp or Telegram to WordPress because it’s easier to search for the emoji from those apps.
Maybe I copy and pasted some emojis that were not supported by WordPress.
I tried to delete some emojis, then VOILĂ€, I can actually post it.
So there you have it, try to delete non common emojis from your blog drafts and try publishing those drafts again.
Hopefully this works for you as well if you’re facing the same issue.
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